Economic Development

Many opportunities exist for growing businesses, a skilled workforce, and resource efficient links across industries in Devens.

Learn more about the Devens Eco-Efficiency Center
Learn more about business development opportunities in Devens
Grow your skills and get job training at the Shriver Center
Learn about the many degree and certificate programs available at the Mount Wachusett Devens Campus


Everybody has a role to play in reducing waste and protecting our infrastructure!

It's easy to compost and the Devens Department of Public Works makes it easier by offering home composting bins for $25
Protect our water supply by reducing your water use
Reduce your outdoor water use with a rain barrel

Natural Resources

Everyone has a role to play in protecting our natural resources!

Plant native species around your home or business
Adjust your lawn care practices to reduce harmful runoff
Save water inside and outside
Help control invasive species on your property or in open spaces in partnership with a local conservation organization

Public Health and Safety

Everyone has a role to play in keeping Devens safe and healthy!

CodeRed is Devens's emergency notification system
A preparedness kit helps ensure your home or business is ready for any emergency
Stay up to date with the Devens Fire Department
Make healthy eating part of your daily routine